Monday, June 9, 2008

Busy weekend!

This was our first 'typical Dutch' weekend. That is, our first activity filled weekend since our return. We are becomming very Dutch, very fast :-) Saturday, we spent several hours choosing curtains for the new house. I am very proud to say that we managed to select most curtains for the living room, as well as the curtains for the master bedroom. We also narrowed down the selection for Emma and Janne's room. In only half a day, I think that's quite and accomplishment.

On Sunday, we went to our old house in Geldrop, to tidy up the back yard a little bit. Since the last gardener's visit was about 5 months ago, it looked pretty bad. And comming Tuesday (tomorrow), we will have an open house for potential buyers. We want the house to look as good as possible and the garden is definately part of that. After several hours of weeding and sweeping, it looks a lot more presentable than before. Hopefully the open house will result in an offer.

Cleaning up the back yard together

After all this hard and boring work, we thought Emma and Janne deserved a reward, so we took them to the parrot park. This time, they mostly enjoyed the various play areas in the park, more than the parrots. And they loved the tame bunny rabbits! I wonder how long we can stay away from having to buy a ginny pig, bunny rabbit or dog ... Oh, and they also enjoyed the ride to the park very much, in Pieter's Le Baron convertible!

Are we hot or what?!

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