Saturday, January 31, 2009

Two challenges

This week, I signed a contract with a training and consultancy firm. Not as an employee, but as a freelance trainer and consultant in the area of in-company performance improvement and training. Even though they don't have an assignment for me in the next month or so, they're working hard to find a project to which I can contribute. In the meantime, I started my training with them. It was great fun using my training development skills again! It was also good to find that it's all still there in my head, even though I haven't actively used most of it for about seven years.

As if starting my own business isn't enough of a challenge, I joined the PSV Swim Team (in November already). Most of you probably know that I was a competitive swimmer when I was young. (I mean REALLY young, I quit when I was almost 13.) After 28 years of non-competitive swimming, I finally had the nerve to try it again. I started training twice a week end of November and I will have my first contest on Feb 15. My swimming has improved already (according to the trainers) and I'm really looking forward to this challenge as well. My times are not even close to the times I swam at the age of 12 (and I don't think I will ever get close again), but it leaves something to work towards, doesn't it :-)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another backlog

Even though I've been okay posting regular up-dates on our weblog, I've not been so good in keeping our family photo albums current. While in Taiwan, I was extremely (almost obsessively) keen to stay up-to-date with my albums and I completed over 20 photo albums in seven years time (indeed, obsessively ...). Since we're back, I did not print one photograph or added one page to any of the albums, meaning that I had a backlog of a whole year.

In the past, I've had albums printed through, namely for my sister, my mom and for Julie. So now, instead of doing it the hard print-cut-and-paste way, I made our 2008 photo album using iPhoto and It only took me seven nights to complete and it should arrive in two or three weeks time. That's how easy it is. I might stop cutting and pasting all together and switch to digital album making for all future memories. Depending on the quality of the 2008 family album that is; I'm still pretty critical if it comes to the quality of my photographs. On the other hand, when I start working again in another month, I probably won't have time to make albums the old fashioned way anymore. We'll see.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas backlog :-)

Well, I did promise to post some picture of our Christmas Holiday exploits. Even though we're halfway January, here they are.

First of all, there was Emma's birthday. We had her kids party before the Christmas Holiday, but the family party was held later. That was when oma, tante Elly and oom Kees came to celebrate Emma's birthday. Of course she received lots of presents, but her most favorite item was her Mega Mindy costume. Mega Mindy is kind of the female-and-Belgian version of Superman for little kids. No violence, just (always two) very dumb crooks (similar to the Home Alone guys), who are always stopped just in time by ... Mega Mindy. Both Emma and Janne are big admirers of this policewoman turned superwoman.
Mega Mindy on a mission

On Boxing day, we invited oma over for dinner (her third trip to Veldhoven in 10 days ...). As the main family Christmas dinner was planned for Dec 28, we kept it relatively low key. Still, we had a nice dinner and a great time, enjoying a table cooked dinner of 'gourmet'; cooking your own food in little frying pans, right there on the table. It's quite popular in the Netherlands, as it allows people to choose the food they like and prepare it the way they like it. Oma, Janne and Emma, ready for dinner

As my sister's kids live on their own and have full agenda's as well, the family Christmas dinner was on Dec 28, a bit after the fact. Still, we had a great time. Everybody prepared some food and it was all quite well coordinated. All our three ovens were used, as well as a deep frying pan and all burners on the gas stove. For me, it was surprising to see that my sister's girls could actually cook. I still remember holding them as babies, not so very long ago it seems, and here they were, independent woman (23 and 25 years old), running their own household and even able to prepare a meal :-) We really enjoyed having them all over and would love to do it again next year. As we were quite busy most of the time either preparing food or eating it, there are no pics of the dinner itself. I did take a photograph of the table though, because I was quite proud of it :-) I also took a pic of Janne in her (self selected) Christmas outfit, as this might very well be the only occasion where we'll ever see our little tomcat dressed like that.
Christmas in purple; surprisingly pretty

Janne, dressed up as a real little girl, also very pretty :-)

On Dec 30, we celebrated Emma's birthday for the third time. This time with Pieter's (grand)children. Another fun and busy day, with six adults and seven kids, ages 1 to 9. Emma and Janne loved having their nephews and niece over and they loved it even more that Pippa (their seven year old niece) was spending the night.
Emma and Janne with their nephews and niece (really, they're not cousins, but aunts, nephews and nieces ... )

The next day was the last day of the year. So, Pieter baked about 50 oliebollen (Dutch donuts) and went out with the girls to buy a few pieces of fireworks. Emma and Janne were ever so excited that they were going to be allowed to watch the fireworks at midnight, as we promised them to wake them up quarter to twelve. It took a little while until they were really awake, but we managed to get them downstairs by ten to twelve. Together with them, we counted down to midnight and had a sip of champagne / apple juice. Warmly wrapped up, we took them outside to watch the fireworks in the streets and to light our own. Looking at the fireworks that went up, you wouldn't say there was a financial crisis at all; it must have been thousands of Euros worth of fireworks going up in smoke (and lots of bangs)! But, I've never seen such beautiful fireworks (in Holland) in my life. The girls loved it and were not even really intimidated by the bangs and the smoke. Warmly wrapped up, enjoying the fireworks

On Jan 1st, we brought Emma and Janne to tante Elly and oma for a stay over; Pieter and I had two days off! And what did we do with our freedom? Of course, we went out for dinner (twice). But our big outing was to take the train to Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, to the only Starbucks in the Netherlands! Despite the near freezing temperature, we thoroughly enjoyed our Caramel Frappuccino and carrot cake!
Starbucks in Holland; it's not the same, but close enough

After that, we went to down town Amsterdam, red light district. Not because of the red lights, but because that's also where the Chinese quarters are. We walked into all the Chinese shops in the area, but managed to control ourselves and only bought a few small items. I will go back to buy an authentic Chinese wok and bamboo utensils though :-) We even ran into a genuine dragon dance!
Dragon bringing good fortune to Chinese shops in Amsterdam

Sunday, January 11, 2009

On the ice

As Dutch as can be :-)

It's been twelve years, since it was this cold in the Netherlands. That means it's been twelve years since there were such great opportunities to go ice skating outdoors. A Dutch ice skate manufacturer sold 150.000 pairs of skates in less than two weeks. Three pairs of those are now ours :-) We finally decided we wanted part of the ice skating fun and went out to buy skates yesterday. Each of the three stores we went to had only about five pairs left and only the third store had some in our sizes. Emma now has adjustable figure skates (size 30-35, last pair in the shop), Janne has training skates (double irons) and I bought my very first pair of 'noren' (I think the translation is Nordic skates).
Having fun on the ice

And today, we went to Charlotte in Alblasserdam (near Kinderdijk, see earlier post) and we skated all afternoon on perfect natural ice, in a perfect Dutch scenery (along canals, past windmills), together with hundreds, even thousands of other skate enthusiasts. Maybe so many people love to go skating outdoors, because we hardly ever get the chance! For me, it was my very first time to go ice skating outdoors like this. I remember ice skating outdoors in my home town, where they would flood a square or some grassland, so it could be used as ice skating ring. But, that doesn't even get close to the experience of ice skating on a canal or river! You can literally skate for hours, without having to turn back or having to skate the same stretch twice.
Emma on skates at Kinderdijk

Janne on skates (on skate to be exact) at Kinderdijk

Emma and Janne are very lucky little girls, because they got to ice skate on natural ice during their very first winter in the Netherlands. And they loved it. We were on the ice with them for over two hours and they still wanted to go on. Janne didn't do much real skating, she was walking and running on the ice with her double-iron training skates. Emma on the other hand gave us a huge surprise. After about one hour of practice, she skated on her own! And this being her very first time skating (ice or roller). We were so proud of her. The only person more proud was probably Emma herself :-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Just to let you know we didn't fall off the face of the earth; we wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2009! May it be a year filled with joy, laughter and happy moments for you and everyone around you. I still didn't send out any Christmas or New Years cards, so I'm now thinking about turning them into change-of-address cards (since we didn't get those out yet either ...).

We ended 2008 with parties, dinners and visits from friends and relatives. The two Christmas Holiday weeks were quite busy weeks, so not very much time for postings. But, with all that behind us, this week I hope to find the time to post some pics of our recent 'adventures'. The most recent being the current spell of cold weather; it snowed Sunday night and the whiteness is still there, due to the low temperatures. Coldest temp measured in the south of the country was -21 degrees C! Here, the mercury didn't go below -12 degrees C. Still, pretty good for our first winter back in Holland. Pics will follow.