Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Just to let you know we didn't fall off the face of the earth; we wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2009! May it be a year filled with joy, laughter and happy moments for you and everyone around you. I still didn't send out any Christmas or New Years cards, so I'm now thinking about turning them into change-of-address cards (since we didn't get those out yet either ...).

We ended 2008 with parties, dinners and visits from friends and relatives. The two Christmas Holiday weeks were quite busy weeks, so not very much time for postings. But, with all that behind us, this week I hope to find the time to post some pics of our recent 'adventures'. The most recent being the current spell of cold weather; it snowed Sunday night and the whiteness is still there, due to the low temperatures. Coldest temp measured in the south of the country was -21 degrees C! Here, the mercury didn't go below -12 degrees C. Still, pretty good for our first winter back in Holland. Pics will follow.

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