Saturday, January 31, 2009

Two challenges

This week, I signed a contract with a training and consultancy firm. Not as an employee, but as a freelance trainer and consultant in the area of in-company performance improvement and training. Even though they don't have an assignment for me in the next month or so, they're working hard to find a project to which I can contribute. In the meantime, I started my training with them. It was great fun using my training development skills again! It was also good to find that it's all still there in my head, even though I haven't actively used most of it for about seven years.

As if starting my own business isn't enough of a challenge, I joined the PSV Swim Team (in November already). Most of you probably know that I was a competitive swimmer when I was young. (I mean REALLY young, I quit when I was almost 13.) After 28 years of non-competitive swimming, I finally had the nerve to try it again. I started training twice a week end of November and I will have my first contest on Feb 15. My swimming has improved already (according to the trainers) and I'm really looking forward to this challenge as well. My times are not even close to the times I swam at the age of 12 (and I don't think I will ever get close again), but it leaves something to work towards, doesn't it :-)

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