Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Two little monkeys sitting on a big one

Yesterday, we visited De Apenheul in Apeldoorn. It's basically a monkey (primate) zoo, but it also has several playgrounds and there's a large park around the zoo grounds. It was a bit chilly and rain was forecasted, the advantage of which was that there weren't too many people.

In the areas of the smaller monkeys, visitors can walk amongst the monkey, so you can observe them from really close by. We saw quite a few monkey babies, which where so cute! Emma made us take pictures of all different kinds of monkeys, because she wanted to draw them at home. We were able to see pretty much the whole park, from the free ranging squirrel monkeys to a big gorilla family, including (of course) all three playgrounds. It was a great outing and we can recommend it to anyone, even if you don't have children.

Mother and child

Enjoying a snack

Monkey from the House of Orange?

At De Apenheul, they also educate visitors about taking care of the environment

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