Sunday, May 24, 2009

BBQ and training wheels for sale

It was a glorious four day weekend. As Pieter wanted to practice as much as possible this last few days before his exam, I decided to take the girls to Oma for two days, so on Friday the five of us (with Oma and Tante Elly) went to Bosbad Hoeven. There's a very big, old fashioned play ground, water bikes and air mattress and the girls had a great time. For some reason, I didn't take my camera, so no pics of that outing.

Saturday, I walked my 'obligatory' 25 km. As it is getting warmer and warmer during my training walks, I get an impression of what it will be like to walk 40 km in the middle of summer. Make sure to bring plenty of sun screen, water and a sun hat! Two more months and I should be ready for the 4x40 km ...

That night, we had a BBQ at Asia friends' Ayelene and Erik's house, and again, we all had a great time. I did take my camera that time, so here are e a few shots. Aylene's sister and her husband were there as well, which was nice, because we hadn't seen them since their wedding in the Philippines.

'All' the men taking care of the BBQ

Some healthy exercise before digging in ...

After spending all energy, it's time for some quiet TV (PC) time

Last but not least, Janne has mastered the art of bicycling. After several days of practice on Emma's bike, we took off the training wheels from her own bike. Our little girl is proud as can be and so are we!
Look mom, here I go!

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