Saturday, August 15, 2009


Yesterday, we visited Aarbeienland (Strawberryland) in Horst, Limburg. It's a very small theme park and it's all about ... strawberries! You can take an easy stroll in the wooded area, learn a lot about (the various species of) strawberries and the way the are cultivated. There are also a few small playgrounds, a restaurant, a gift-shop and you can pick your own strawberries. So that's what we did.

It reminded me a bit of Taiwan, where one can also go to strawberry-fields to pick one's own strawberries. At the time, we thought that was quite funny ... As the park is rather small, they make it more interesting by offering various puzzles to solve while walking through the park. Emma and Janne earned strawberry plants by completing two.

Searching for clues to solve the puzzle

Playing on a real tractor

Picking (and eating) strawberries

This brought back memories of my time in high school, when I worked at the farm each summer. Mostly, we picked strawberries and beans, sometimes, we picked berries or planted leek. Picking strawberries was most fun, because it only lasted until about noon, and fresh strawberries taste very good!

Some more picking

There was also a lot of posing ...

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