Saturday, August 22, 2009

Trappen en Happen

Emma and Janne are spending the weekend at Oma's and Tante Elly's, so we have a few days to ourselves. Last night, Pieter and me went to the movies; The Proposal, with Sandra Bullock. A bit of a chick-flick, but still funny and ok enough. We'd like to go go Alaska one day ...

Today, we did a Trappen en Happen Tour (Bike and Bite). It's a 46 km bicycle tour, this one through the Kempen earea, in combination with a four course meal. At each of the fours stops in the route, you eat one course of the meal. Beautiful route, nice food, great service and a fun way to spend a leisurely Saturday.

Sprinklers in action

No tour in Holland without a windmill

In the woods

Enjoying a drink before the main course in Knegsel. If you look closely, you can see that the place-mats are especially for the cyclists of Trappen en Happen.

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