Monday, August 10, 2009

One week in Normandy

We had a wonderful time in Normandy, France, and did all the things we wanted to do. We went to the beach, visited Pieter's sisters, payed Michiel and his family a visit and went to see Le Mont Saint Michel. Normandy is a beautiful part of France (actually, most of the country is beautiful), with rolling hills, little villages and beaches.

The church of St Mere Eglise, with its famous paratrooper hanging from the church tower. Sainte-Mere-Eglise is situated at the Normandy coast, where the Allied Forces landed in 1944. In the same town we visited a very impressive and detailed Airborne Museum.

The interior of the tent in which Michiel and his family were staying. It's an amazing concept, thought up by a very smart Dutch marketeer. Started in Holland, the organization now has tents in France and England as well. The tents are all on small (biological) farms and surprisingly well equipped, be it in a traditional way (see for yourself under 'accommodation'). It's really a perfect way to 'camp' with kids and we surely want to give this a try next year!

On our way to Le Mont Saint Michel

Crossing the drawbridge of Le Mont Saint Michel and entering it's medieval streets

Building our own Mont Saint Michel at Grandville Beach

The girls, playing with their French cousin Paul

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