Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Family photo

In case you hadn't noticed yet; I love taking pictures. Most of the time, my pics turn out pretty good, sometimes even great. The photographs I took during the Wandel 3-daagse for example, were applauded by everybody. 'You missed your calling', was the comment I liked most :-) And maybe I did ... The only disadvantage of having photography as a hobby, is that I usually am not in any picture myself.

But, yesterday Emma came home with a note, saying that she had to bring a family picture to school, for some writing exercise. So I, being the photo-crazy me, dragged the whole family outside to take a group shot for Emma to take to school. Tri-pod out, camera in automatic mode, dad and girls on the trampo and 'click-run-sit-smile!'. Although it's not 100% in focus (the plants in the background are ...), still a pretty nice family portrait, don't you think? And in under five minutes!

Slightly out of focus, still looking good :-)

1 comment:

Hans said...

I totally agree... nice picture!