Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ice skating

It's winter in the Netherlands and again, there's snow and ice. Not on the big lakes and rivers yet, but the smaller lakes are frozen over and ready for ice-skating fun. We were lucky though; we didn't have drive to a lake to go ice-skating. Several neighborhood residents took the initiative to flood a small playground and create a home-made ice skating ring! Just a three minute walk from our house and good for hours of fun, both on Saturday and Sunday. They even made a small fire and put up a party tent with heater for the moms and dads, who were freezing their butts off ...

Still a bit wobbly, but going strong!

Ice-skating with a friend

After one day, Emma has improved her skills on the ice compared to last year and Janne, who skated on both days, is now confidently skating on regular ice-skates. Maybe we'll get to do some more ice-skating next weekend? Keep your fingers crossed for us :-)

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