Thursday, January 28, 2010

Interior design

Today, we went to see an interior consultant (if that's the proper translation). We didn't have any more great ideas for completing the interior design of our living room and decided we'd like some help. The shop where we've already bought quite some furniture, offers free personal interior advise. We thought we'd give it a try. So, I took lots of pictures of the 'as is' situation and made a floor-plan. Doing that, new ideas already popped into my head, so immediate result, even before the interview!

The interview took almost three hours, more than one of which we were walking through the store, looking for items we liked ... Well, what does one expect from a free advise, right? All in all, while the lady didn't give us a clear-cut this-is-what-you-have-to-do advise, she did give us some fresh ideas and useful tips. And I guess that's all we really wanted ... We think we can take it from here :-)
The lady does know how to draw a good-looking floor plan ...
Most of what's in the floor-plan, is already existing. The sitting room is 'new' and some items were added to the kid's corner (top left).

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