Sunday, January 24, 2010

New hair and party

Again, we took Emma to the hairdresser for a (small) change of hairdo. She wanted a hairstyle without a fringe. Even though I wasn't sure if that was the way to go for her, I agreed. The result? See for yourself! She and her classmates like it.

Presenting yet another 'do'. Until her fringe has grown long enough, she'll have to wear hair bands like this one.

If we take a pic of one, we also have to take a photo of the other ...

... and of course of both girls!

Emma had a very fun Saturday yesterday. She was invited to a birthday party of two of her classmates. They had invited about fifteen kids and the party took place in the school's gymnasium. Lots of activity, lots of fun. A great idea for a kids birthday party, if one has the courage to oversee more than fifteen eight year olds running around for three hours ...
Party, party, let's go crazy!

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