Thursday, June 10, 2010

AMV diploma

After one year of music class, Emma received her AMV1 (general musical education) diploma. A proud moment for all of us, even more so because she had all 'excellent' scores. Most important is that she really enjoyed the class and she immediately answered 'yes!' to the question if she wanted to continue next year. In December she'll be able to choose an instrument to play and at the moment she says she wants to play the flute. We'll see.
Before the presentation of the diploma's, the kids played several songs on their xylophones.

You'd think she's happy, wouldn't you?


Unknown said...

The flute, what a great choice. I play it too !!

KRom said...

Hee, wat leuk van je te horen! Ik herinner me inderdaad een Nieuw Zeeland foto, waarop je fluit zit te spelen. Zijn jullie al bijna klaar voor vertrek?

KRom said...
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