Friday, June 11, 2010


The Netherlands are a soccer nation. Where Americans have baseball and basket ball, we have soccer (and ice skating). Today, the World Championships started in South Africa and Holland has turned orange once more, because 'our' boys are competing. According to Dutch newspapers, the Netherlands are the only country that goes crazy like this before the results of the team are known, even before one game is played.

The marketing machines of all major companies have worked overtime in last months, to come up with the big idea to make money off the Championships. Most try to do that in the form of giveaways. Super market chain Albert Hein (with a superb marketing department) has again hit the mark with their giveaway. Last time, they had the Welpies, now one receives a Beesie (South African for little beast) for every 5 euro's spent on groceries. And of course, one can buy additional items to complete ones collection ... Beesies are a hit. They are so cute that even adults want to have them! You can find them on Flickr, YouTube and probably every other social network. Some parents are even forced to do photo shoots with the Beessies. Can you imagine?! Cuddly big Beesie scarfs

Love at first sight

Your have to watch them; those little Beesies are very adventurous

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