Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fun and Games Day

On Tuesday, groups 1 to 3 had Fun and Games Day. As usual, lots of help from parents was needed and as usual, I was there to assist. It was all very well organized, with a great variety of activities for both the younger and the older kids. The weather cooperated nicely, so all games could be played outdoors. Janne and her friends had a wonderful and tiring day!

One of the privileges of not having a regular job really is that I can join all activities at school (although I sometimes have to choose between Emma's and Janne's group). It is so wonderful to see these kids play, learn and interact in the school environment. I get to know a side of my children and their friends, which I otherwise would not be able to see so easily. Once I go back to work (which will hopefully happen sometime in the near future), that's one of the things I will most definitely miss.
Singing and dancing to 'Handjes draaien' by K3

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