Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sinterklaas in the snow

In his busy schedule, Sinterklaas found the time to visit Op Dreef, Emma and Janne's school. The outdoor part of his visit was rather short, due to the cold weather. Janne's class was the last to be visited by Sint, so they were anticipating his arrival the whole morning. Tough job for the teacher, to keep them focussed :-) Two more nights untill Pakjesavond ...

In the snow, awaiting Sinterklaas' arrival

Paying attention to what Sint and Piet are saying

Another tradition at Sinterklaas time is making Surprises (surprise gifts). Instead of just wrapping a (small) gift, the (secret) giver of the present has to make a piece of crafts- or artwork, inside which the gift is hidden. A little rhyme is usually included. Even though Emma still believes in Sinterklaas (at least until after December 6th ...), she is very excited about the whole Surprise concept. The girl she had to buy a gift for likes horses, so Emma worked very hard to make a beautiful stable-with-horse-pasture.

One very proud girl :-)

The last two days where the coldest Dec 1st and 2nd since 1901. Which means it was indeed pretty cold. For the Netherlands, that is. Not compared to Colorado this time of year, nor compared to Austria. Still, cold. Snow-boots and winter tires are sold out everywhere. Which doesn't mean that the Dutch are not the preparing kind, just that we usually don't get this kind of weather this early. Or at all for that matter! It's rather exceptional to have snow in the Netherlands for three consecutive winters.
All wrapped up, ready for school

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shima said...

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