Saturday, February 23, 2008

Coral Bay

After Monkey Mia, we drove about 350 km to Coral Bay. On our way there, we stopped at shell beach, a beach made up only of shells! The second stop was at the Stromalites (see picture above). These stones are actually built by bacteria, the same bacteria that formed the first life forms on earth, millions of years ago.

Coral Bay is another beach resort, be it more of a backpackers beach resort, with two camp grounds, one hotel and one big backpackers dorm. The first two nights, we stayed at the camp ground. After drying out all our stuff on the first day and having spent one dry night in the tents, we spent the second night in the rain. And in pretty wet tents, because we didn't get all our stuff in the tents before the rain hit. After that night, we spent one more night in a cabin. We don't like camping out in the rain ...
Coral Bay is quit touristy (not much else here, besides tourist accomodation and shopt), but it's very pleasant to be here. We did a 2-hour reef-touring boat trip and Karin did some snorkling. The boat didn't go all the way to the Ningaloo Reef itself, but the corals closer to the coast are quite amazing as well! We spent a couple of hours on the beach, a few at the swimming pool and play ground and we took a 30 km off-road ride, just for the experience. During that short ride, we saw a few wild kangaroos and one big lizard. Coral Bay, where the outback meets the ocean.

1 comment:

Elephants in Taipei said...

Ziet er allemaal uit als een echt avontuur!

Keep them updates comin´ !

Fam Otto