Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chips on a stick

Last night, we had our last dinner at Outback Steakhouse (snif, snif), with Sarah and Oliver. We had a great time and it was way past Emma and Janne's bedtime when we got back to the hotel. This morning, we had to wake Janne up at 9.15 am, so as not to miss breakfast.
We made it just in time and right after that left for Taipei. We spent a very nice afternoon in Danshui with the Els, John and their three children. Danshui on a Sunday is always a very Taiwanese experience, with lots of food, lots of people and lots of noice. We had lunch at Fort Antonio and icecream for desert at BigTom. And, we had chips-on-a-stick; very nice! All in all, a fitting way to say goodbye to Taipei.

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