Friday, March 14, 2008

Still in Veldhoven :-)

Today was a day, as it should have been when we arrived. In the afternoon, the sun came out and we had a nice walk to the shopping center to buy (yet) a few more items. This is one of the (few) things I missed when we lived in Taiwan; just going out the front door to walk to the shops, on a nice, even, scooter-free sidewalk. We also thoroughly enjoyed our first grocery shopping. All the delicious bread, sandwich meats, sandwich spreads, cheeses, desserts, made us feel like we were in Wonderland :-)

I feel kind of silly on the clothes front. Of course I knew that it would still be cold in NL in March. I really didn't realize that it would be vertually impossible to buy any warm clothes anymore in March though. Funny thing is that when we left Taiwan, you could still buy plenty warm clothes there. Now that all the boxes, which we sent ahead by mail, are unpacked, it looks like the girls will have something to wear to school next week after all. I even managed to find some fleece-lined windbreakers for Emma and Janne to wear as jackets.

We have two more days of relative quiet to go, before the 'normal' routine kicks in. Monday, Emma will start school and Tuesday, Pieter will have his first business meeting. That same day, Janne will go to playgroup for the first time. Yaya mama will get her first taste of being a mom in the Netherlands, including bringing kids to school and picking them up, cooking dinner, cleaning the house etc. On the cooking front, I can proudly let you know that I already cooked dinner twice and without major accidents.

1 comment:

Wendy Stiphout said...

Hoi Karin,
Daar zijn jullie dan, welkom terug in ons koude kikkerlandje. Maar dat had je al gemerkt las ik :-).
Als je wat gesetteld bent en je wil een keer afspreken dan laat maar weten. Succes met het grote wennen in NL.
Groetjes, Wendy