Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Singapore (2)

Despite the cloudy/rainy weather, we are thouroughly enjoying our time in Singapore. Especially since this is our last visit for a loooong time. We've always liked going to Singapore, from Taiwan, because it's like going to Europe without having to fly 12 hours or more :-)

Yesterday, we went to the Jurong Bird Park, which we've never visited before. The park houses an amazing collection of birds and it is very well laid out. There are several opportunities to interact with the birds, which we could all enjoy, because it was a week day and there were not many people in the park.
Today, we went to the West Coast Park, because we had heard that there was a very nice playground. And a very nice playground it was. Or actually, a series of playgrounds, for all ages. Even Karin and Pieter had a go on the climbing equipment!
Finally, no visit to Singapore would not be complete without going to Borders, Karin's favorite bookstore. It looks like Emma and Janne like it as well.

This is the last day of our vacation; tomorrow, we're off to Taiwan for a couple of days. Pieter has already been preparing a lot of things during our days in Singapore. He has been e-mailing every day, to TPV, to Crown (the movers), even to the Dutch Customs. It's quite different to return to Holland as an employee of a Dutch company, as compared to doing the same thing working for a Taiwanese company ... Hopefully we can get all the tax/bank/other things completed in the next week, so we can catch our plane to Amsterdam next Tuesday!

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