Wednesday, March 12, 2008

In Veldhoven

We arrived. In Veldhoven, the Netherlands. At the airport, my mom and sister were welcoming us with flowers, balloons and even a banner! We actually felt as if we returned home after a long time. That only lasted for about half a day, because by then we were all chilled to the bone. At the moment, it's only 5 degrees C in Holland and for us, that is VERY COLD! We had to go buy winter jackets for Emma and Janne right away, but of course, in March, you cannot buy winter clothes in Holland anymore. At least, not in Veldhoven. All the shops at the City Center shopping mall already had their new summer collection out ... Five degrees outside, and they are selling summer clothes! Okay, culture shock number 1. So, we ended up buying two cardigans. Very cute ones, I must admit, but still, only cardigans.

I realized today, that Emma and Janne probably don't even have proper (and warm) clothes to go to school next week. What's good enough for Hsinchu, is not necessarily good enough for Holland ... I've got a lot of shopping to do this weekend!
This will be a kitchen someday

After the first emergency shopping, we went to see how the construction on the new house was going. Shock number 2; it was a mess! Mainly because all the demolition work has been done, but not much of the construction work. We are still in good hopes that all will turn out okay by end of May, but now it's not much of a home :-)
Our living room to be
Emma showing off her room

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