Monday, July 28, 2008

Janne turns 4!

Yesterday, the weather was glorious and we spent a very nice and hot afternoon at the playground. Even though they sell drinks, snacks and ice cream at the playground, they don't mind at all if you bring all your own stuff. So, we took about five big bags of candy, potatoe chips, snacks, drinks and cake with us, to celebrate Janne's birthday. We had a small, but very nice group of people and I think everybody had a good time. As the adult could sit at picknick benches in the shade, it was not just the kids who had fun :-)
Cake time at the playground

Only one little thing went 'wrong': mommy forgot to bring the birthday candles! We decided to sing an extra birthday song for Janne and she didn't really seem to mind too much. She was proudly and happily handing out party hats, gifts, drinking straws, plates etc to everybody way before it was time to use some of those items. But, it all worked out fine and we stayed until closing time.
Janne enjoying her birthday present

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