Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Toverland (Magic Land)

Today, we did something fun for the girls. We have been running back and forth to the new house so often and have been doing so much looking around for items we still need to buy, that we thought it would be nice to do someting just for them. They have been really great entertaining themselves while we were doing our new house things. So, we went to Toverland (Magic Land).
The witch's climbing hat; Emma and Janne were ever so proud when they managed to get to the top!

Toverland is something in between a amusement park and an (indoor) playground. There are several rides/rollercoasters, but above all there are lots of play areas and there is really BIG climbing equipment. Emma and Janne LOVED it and they were shattered by the time we went home. They were still too little for the most exciting rides and climbs, but that is something to look forward to next year :-)
Two very big slides, connected to an even bigger climbing jungle; a BIG hit with the girls

We thought we were being pretty Taiwanese, being at an indoor amusement park when it is sunny and hot outside! The park reminded us a bit of what Windance in Hsinchu used to have at the top floor, only a lot bigger.

Oh, I almost forgot; yesterday we also did something fun with the girls; fingerpainting. After about half an hour, it almost turned into bodypainting...
Look mom, the plate is stuck to my hands!

After some real fingerpainting, Emma could not resist the temptation either ...

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