Saturday, July 12, 2008

Two days in Hoogerheide

With Pieter gone off to Hungary on a sales adventure for TPV, I thought it was a nice opportunity to spend a few days with my mom and sister in Hoogerheide. The first day, we spent at tante Elly's, the second at my mom's. Onfortunately, the weather was (still is) typical Dutch summer weather; not really warm and rather wet ... Forntunately, Emma and Janne love to play with Lego as well as play games, so we spent the whole Wednesday playing memory and koetje boe en building Lego houses. It was really fun to see them finally being able to enjoy their aunts company, after so many years of only short visits!
Story time with tante Elly

The next day was very cloudy but dry and we took a long walk through the woods with grandma. We made it into a puddle search adventure to keep Emma and Janne interested, which worked out very well. They were looking for puddles and mud pools the whole time, running towards them and through them. Some were surprisingly deep, but no damage a washing machine cannot fix was done :-)
Wet and muddy but FUN!

With the upcomming move into the new house (hopefully), we don't plan to go on anywhere for vacation. The plan is to go someplace or to visit someone every week, so as to make these six weeks a little bit special for Emma and Janne. Even though for now, they seem to be perfectly happy to just be able to play in and around the house every day :-)

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