Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lots of work done

The work on the house is finally nearing the end. Our household goods will arrive comming Monday and we'll move into the house on August 4. All the items for the first and second floor will be moved to the propper rooms, the ground floor items will be stored in the garage en maybe some in Pieter's studio. After having our things in shipment and storage for six months, we really have no idea anymore how much stuff we have anymore. We hope it will all fit, especially the living room / ground floor things. We'll see.
Kitchen as of today

Work on the kitchen has also (finally) started and it should be usable when we move in. Mind that I say 'usable', because it won't be ready then. Final work will be done one week later, as well as some of the last carpentry jobs elsewhere in the house. I guess the carpenter/kitchen guy bit off more work than he could chew. But he'll finish chewing second week of August. At least that's what he promissed ...
Garden as of today, almost empty!

To our amazement, work in the garden has also started. That went so fast, we felt like we were back in Taiwan. Pieter spoke to the guy for the first time on Tuesday and today the work started! Most of the ground work has been done in one day and they will finish tomorrow! And next week, the street maker will come. We thought we would have to wait until end of August for those works to start, so this is a very nice surprise. For a change :-)
Master bedroom

Pieter moved most of the packing material, rest material and other garbage out of the house today, so we could finally make some pictures of the rooms as they are with the floors almost ready. We are very happy with the result and cannot wait to move in!
Guest room

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