Friday, August 1, 2008


Drinking tea, remembering Taiwan ...

Today, Emma, Janne and me went to Brussels, to visit Florence and her family. The youngest addition to the family is little Julien, who is now seven weeks, and the main reason we went to see them. It was great seeing Florence again and the girls had fun playing with Henri, who is the oldest of the three boys and the same age as Janne. It was also nice to see the progress that's been made in the house. They live in this beautiful, big, old house, which still needs a lot of work done though. One can already imagine how it will be to live there, once all the works have been done and the rooms are ready! According to Florence, it will take a few years before they reach that phase :-) Still, the house is gorgious!
After some warming-up time, the girls and Henri had plenty of fun

Florence wouldn't be Florence if she hadn't prepared delicious food for us. This time she even made a rubarb-pie for Janne's birthday!
Thanks to Florence, Janne got to blow out four candles after all :-)

1 comment:

Joern said...

Hi Karin,

nice pictures! Still thinking about taiwan :-)
Greetings from Berlin
Mika Melanie & Joern