Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birthday party

Even with her birthday still two weeks away, we had Janne's birthday party today.

In the morning, Janne's birthday was celebrated in school. Janne received her birthday crown, songs were sung, treats were handed out and Janne got a gifts from the lucky dip. Janne was so excited that it was finally her turn to be the center of attention for that half hour celebration!

Striking a pose with her birthday treats

Singing birthday song number five

For Hsinchu Coffee Morning Ladies who think I used to make ornate birthday crowns; look at this one!

Janne had invited her six best friends from school and we had them over for pancakes, making cookies and decorating photo frames. With Emma's birthday party in December, I didn't have enough activities planned, this time we didn't even get to two of the 'agenda items'.

It's quite the fashion in the Netherlands to take the kids (even 5 year olds) to playgrounds or other activity centers. Or one invites an entertainer who brings everything along for a pirate, princess or other theme party. Now that the girls are still young, I like having their birthday parties at home. Admittedly, I did have my own entertainment crew come in; my mom and sister helped out, as did Pieter (baking pancakes of course). Having so many persons to help out was especially nice because we had to change (cleain and re-set) the table about four times in between activities. It was a great group of little girls to have a party with and (I think) they all enjoyed themselves very much. As did we. Less stress this time around :-)

Busy making cookies (or playing with the dough)

A wonderful group of friends!

Reaching new heights with her new Kapla

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