Sunday, July 12, 2009


Saturday, I walked my last (big) training walk before the Nijmegen Four Day Marches. It was a 50 km (!) walk in Zeeland, a western province of the Netherlands (the one with the islands, water and Deltawerken).The walk is called the Zevendorpentocht (Seven Towns Tour), as it takes you through seven towns on the island of Tholen. It was also the first walk I did with the friend whom I will be walking the Four Day Marches with. It was a very long 50 km, but the scenery was great. Despite the dark clouds and continuous threat of rain, it didn't rain all day. It rained pretty much everywhere else in the Netherlands, but not in Zeeland.

Now, I also know that my friend is a much faster walker than I am ... I managed to keep up with her and her friends (I'm sure they slowed down their pace for me), but I won't be able to keep that up for four days. My conclusion is that it will be best if we each walk our own walk and we'll see each other at the start and (maybe) the finish line. Which is also nice :-)

The tour was very well organized; there were ten stops, at most of which we got something nice to eat (watermelon, broth, peperkoek, zeeuwse bolus)

The tour took us past several flower fields (even through and orchard!)

Tholen, one of the seven pretty towns we walked through

One of the many windmills

Me testing one of the Red Cross posts; they treated my blister

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