Thursday, July 30, 2009


This week, the first week of summer vacation, the city of Veldhoven is organizing Jeugdland (Youth Land). It's a four day event for children aged five to twelve (elementary school). Every day, kids can enjoy a variety of fun and game, including crafts, woodcrafts and especially designed games. Drinks and snacks are included, lunch isn't. Emma has spent most of the past three days inside the handicrafts tent, while Janne has tested her skills at the games. Janne is now in fourth place (of about 25) in her age group and Emma accumulated a nice collection of 'art'. They both love going there and it's wonderful to see how independent they are in finding their way around the Jeugdland grounds.

Organizing this four day event is A LOT of work. Just think about the numbers: 17 games per day x 4 days = 68 games to be designed and made; 10 tables x 3 days = 30 different crafts 'projects' to be thought out and prepared (each of those x 100 ...). At least 60 volunteers are needed every day, to man the games, help the kids with the crafts projects, organize drinks and food, and take care of registration and organization in general. With the number of available volunteers getting lower every year, every year could be the last for this great event. They already had to cancel one other event, due to lack of volunteers. Hopefully Jeugdland will not be next.

Emma did try some of the games (be it only a few)

Janne at work in the crafts tent

No kids event without face painting

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