Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tennis clinic

In the last two weeks, one of the local tennis clubs gave some tennis lessons during PE hour in Emma's group, to try bring in new youth members. Emma was very enthusiastic about the classes, so when the club offered a free clinic at their tennis court, she immediately wanted to go. After we explained to her that she could not join the tennis club just yet (swimming and gymnastics is enough for now), she still wanted to try it. So today, Emma had her first 'real' tennis lesson. Actually, it was more of a fun-and-games-with-racket-and-ball activity, but it helped them start developing the basics of tennis. Great fun in the sun! Playing catch with a water balloon

Several weeks ago, we started a family sunflower contest. All four of us planted three sunflower seeds and the person who's sunflower grows the tallest, is the winner. The prize is an ice-cream of choice from our favorite ice-cream store Brown's.
Emma's sunflowers are in the lead, closely followed by Janne's

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