Monday, November 16, 2009

Another piano

This past weekend Pieter and his brother drove to France, to their sister.
Ready to leave for France. (I know, I know, a convertible with a tow-bar ... )

They didn't just go there to visit, but to pick up the very first grand piano Pieter ever owned. He bought it when he was only sixteen years old and the last fifteen odd years, it had been staying at his sister's house. Now was the time to go and get it. So, they made the 1400 km (round)trip and brought home Pieter's first Grand. At least, what is left of it ... After standing in a half finished, leaking house for over ten years, the once grand piano didn't look as grand anymore. In fact, most of it had disappeared into the fireplace and Pieter and Gerben only had to bring back the iron frame.
One day, this will be an attractive piece of art! You gotta think big.

Plan is to turn it into a piece of art for our front yard. It's an idea we picked up during a vacation on Curacao, where one of the old mansions had a grand piano frame standing upright in its front yard. Local building laws prevent us from putting it upright, but we'll find an interesting way to put it up. Any ideas anyone?

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