Thursday, November 12, 2009

Boelie again

Boelie is still growing and getting more active every day. She even seems to be shedding her nest hairs already. Apart from an accident every now and then, she's house trained. We're looking forward to start puppy training with her, because she really is a handful. Maybe we didn't know exactly what we were getting into when we bought a (mix) border collie? She learns new commands pretty quickly, but she's very persistent when it comes to her bad habits. The good thing is that everybody we ask says that's common in border collies, we just need patience, patience, patience and then some more patience. Which is sometimes hard, especially when she has her teeth in my new pair of jeans ... But, when she's behaving, she is the cutest and prettiest dog around! And we will learn how to be good doggie masters yet :-)

Me? Bad habbits? You must be talking about another dog!

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