Friday, November 27, 2009

Wish list

With Sinterklaas back in town, it's time to make wish lists. So, I let Emma and Janne cut out pictures of toys from the toy store magazine to make their wish list. Tonight, Janne very proudly showed me that she made an additional wish list, to put in her shoe for Sinterklaas. I think she did a great job and I hope that Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet have brushed up on their Kindergarten-language skills ...

It even took me a few seconds to figure it out:
K3 mamaSé (K3 MamaSé)
K3 spiegolte aan ewant (K3 Spiegeltje aan de wand)
K3 bij de poliesie (K3 Bij de politie)
K3 CD de nieuw (K3 CD de nieuwe)

As I said, I think she did a great job :-)

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