Saturday, November 21, 2009

Windmill 't Nupke

Windmill 't Nupke, Geldrop, the Netherlands

What better place to visit with foreign (Belgium) friends than a windmill? In the little town of Geldrop, where we lived in before we moved to Taiwan, one can visit the still (part-time) functional windmill 't Nupke. On Saturday, it's open to the public and the two voluntary millers are there to give a tour and explanation about the mill.
Emma hoisting a 25 kg bag of grain

The inner mechanics of even this rather simple corn-mill are amazing; everything is handcrafted from wood and the huge mill stones weigh 1500 kg each. The miller explained that the Netherlands know the biggest variety of applications of windmills in the world. Not really surprising, is it?

All eyes and ears on the miller

Say cheese! Say what?

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