Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Emma!

Our oldest daughter turned seven today; time does fly faster every year! We celebrated Emma's birthday at oma's, because oma just returned from South Africa on Sunday.

Emma Cameraface; this is what we saw of her all day, after she got the camera for her birthday

The other birthday present; she'll have to wait for the snow to melt before she can use it

If allowed to choose, where do kids want to go for their birthday dinner? Right; MacDonalds!

Happy and tanned oma, after three weeks in South Africa.

My old elementary school, which is about to be torn down ... I hate to see how they tear down the characteristic buildings in town, to replace them by modern, all-the-same, big buildings. It's hard to imagine that those new buildings will be 'characteristic old buildings' one day ...

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