Sunday, December 20, 2009


Five days until Christmas and we have snow! It snowed all night and most of today, so we have something like 15 cm of snow. In this global warming age, that's a lot for our Low Country. So, out came the ski-pants, hats, mittens and sledge and off we went into the woods. It was so cool to walk in the pure, untrodden snow! Our second winter in Holland and again, we have snow; yippie (I won't cheer anymore when I have to drive to work tomorrow morning, but for now it's fun ... ).
Let's go!

Enjoying the snow

Walking in the snow reminds me of my times in Innsbruck, Austria and in Pitkin, Colorado, when there fell up to 50 cm of snow in a single night ... And how great it felt to go on an early morning walk, everything quiet and white. For now, fifteen centimeters will do :-)
All wrapped up

I was there too

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