Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sinterklaas visiting Op Dreef

Today, Sinterklaas and seven (!) of his Zwarte Pieten visited Emma and Janne's school Op Dreef. It was truly the first time ever they RAN to school ...

I was asked to take pictures of Sinterklaas' visit in Janne's group. Besides the fact that I enjoy doing that, it offered me the rather unique opportunity to be there during the Sint's visit. It was great fun. The group had practiced a little play and a dance, which they performed splendidly. Janne even got to hold Sinterklaas' crosier. A huge honor indeed :-).

Both girls were very tired tonight and had no problem going to bed early. Saturday will be 'pakjesavond' (St. Nicolas' Eve) and then all will be over.

Group 2B (Janne) waiting for Sinterklaas to arrive

Group 4A (Emma) waiting as well

Two Zwarte Pieten arriving on a tandem ...

... and Sinterklaas in a motorcycle side-car

Janne somewhat nervously holding Sinterklaas' crosier

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