Sunday, December 6, 2009


Yesterday was St Nicolas' Eve and today we celebrated on in Hoogerheide, at my sister's. It was a VERY exciting weekend for the girls, one they had been anticipating for over three weeks.

Last year, the gift-unwrapping 'ceremony' lasted a full 10 minutes or so. Therefore, this year, Sinterklaas added 'het grote uitpakspel' (the big unwrapping game) to the gifts. Emma and Janne had to perform a small task before opening a gift. I wasn't sure if they were going to like it, as it meant that they had to wait longer for their gifts. But ... they loved it! Emma said we should keep the game, so we would be able to use it again next year! Also, it served its purpose; it took almost an hour before all gifts were unwrapped ...
Playing 'het grote uitpakspel'

Studying a new CD

At Tante Elly's today, there was no such game. So, it was a back-to-basics unwrapping, with fast tearing of paper, a lot of excitement and many happy screams. The remainder of the afternoon was used to play with as many of the new games and toys as they (and we) could. Great fun, but enough is enough. Sinterklaas is finally on his way back to Spain ...
Happy girl says 'thanks Sinterklaas!'

Happily hugging the latest K3 CD

Playing the old-fashioned game of geese in Hoogerheide

By the way; did you know that the first time people 'put their shoe' to receive something in it was in the fifteenth century? It was in Utrecht (the Netherlands) that the poor could leave a shoe in church, which was then filled with food. So, a pretty old tradition, isn't it?

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