Sunday, July 20, 2008


After being in storage for almost six months, our things will arrive tomorrow! We heard plenty horror stories about mildewed furniture, leather and clothes, but we hope it's not too bad.

The contractor and carpenter have been driving us crazy these past couple of days, by showing up hours later than agreed or not showing up at all! And without a single phone call or even an explanation as to where they were. At least it seems that they will finish the works they promissed to do before going on vacation. Even though this meant that they worked yesterday untill 11 pm and that they will have to work today as well. Pffff. Everything always done at the very last minute.
There should be a trampoline soon!

The ground workers did a great job at preparing the yard for the street maker. They did miss one important point though: we explained to them that the driveway had to remain accessible, because the movers would come on Monday. Their definition of accessible appeared to be quite different from ours though. They left 750 bricks and 30 wheelbarrows of sand on the driveway. I know these exact numbers, because Pieter and I stacked the bricks and moved the sand to the back yard.

One single trip by wheelbarrow

Dirty as can be :-)

Meanwhile, Emma and Janne had great fun playing in the biggest sandbox they'll ever have!
Look mom, a little Scoop (Bob the Builder)!


Unknown said...

oh oh oh wat is dit spannend !!!
Veel plezier met jullie inhuizing!

KRom said...

Bedankt, Els! Over een kleine week is het zover en zullen we echt alle dozen uit moeten gaan pakken :-) 't Zal me nog een hele klus worden.